Glas letters
Step A: |
1) File new| Set size: 500×200. Background: Own choice. Click OK. |
2) In the color palette: [Styles:] Stroke is set to Gradient by holding down the small arrow. Set Gradient to Black-White. Invert gradient: Highlighted. Horizontal: 32. Vertcal: 33. Angel: gray tone. Repeats: 0. |
3) Select your Flood Fill-Tool ![]() Click with the mouse in the new image so that it is covered with the selected gradient. |
4) Effects| Textur Effects| Weave: Gab Size. 5. Width: 1. Opasity: 13. Weave Color: Black. Gab Color: Black. Fill Gabs: Selected. Click ok. |

Step B: |
1)Now add a new layer. Click the Add Layer button ![]() |
2) Add Text | Font: Own Choice. (Here Calisto MT). Stroke: Gradient, Fill: Gradient. The settings must be Black-White, Linear gradient. Floating: Marked. Antialias: Marked. Click OK. Use your Movertool if the text is not in the place where you want it. |
3) Deselect the current selection with Ctrl + D or Selection | None. |
4)Effect| 3D effect|Inner Bevel| Round. Width: 8. Smoothnes: 40. Depth: 4. Ambience: 40. Shininess: 30. Color: White. Angle: 315. Intensity: 50. Elevation: 20. Click OK. |

Step C: |
1) Set the Foreground color to the White RGB colors: 255, 255, 255. ![]() |
2) Effets| Artistic Effects| Hot Vax Coating. |
3) Layer Blend Mode: To the right of the layer palette, set to “Hard Light“ |

Step D: |
1)With your Selection Tool | Rectangle, you drag a selection around one of the letters. Click once in the middle of the selection and it will appear as a “narrow” selection Outside the letter. |
2) Make layer 1 active by clicking on it. |
Now you can see on your layer palette that a Floating Layer has been created. choose selection| defloat |
3) Select the Background Layer by clicking it. |
4) Effects| Destortion Effects| Warp. Set horizontal: 50, Vertical: 50, Size: 100, Strenght: 20. |
5) Return to Layer 1 and repeat the entire Step D on all letters. You can choose to mark all the letters at once and make a Warp based on it, then the result will be a little different. |