Transparent Ball
I have used one of my paintings as a background.
Selectiontool | Circle – Selection | invert – Delete.
Now I have cut a circle out of my picture.
Effects | Geometric effects | Spherize.
Now I have given the circle perspective and it already looks like a sphere. New layer – Selectiontool | feather ca. 15 | Elipse – used the Flood Fill Tool to fill white color in the selection – In the layer palette set opasity to about 80.
Now I have a Spot of Light on top of the sphere
Has lightened the ball in the middle with the Dodge Tool.
It now looks as if the light is shining into the sphere.
With drop Shadow I have made a dark red shade. Not too much opasity. The shadow should lie in its own layer.
Has lightened the shadow in the middle with the Dodge Tool.